• The District Foundation Gala is January 25 and Registration is open
  • Rotary International Convention in Calgary Canada is in June 21-25 and early registration ends Dec 15
  • President Shirley encourages everyone to go to ClubRunner and update any information including any spouse information
  • Early Act First Knight is Dec 11 at 1:30 at Eden Park Academy
  • Dec 18 will be the Club’s Christmas social at DK Maria’s.  We’ll have the sock exchange and other festive activities.  Feel free to bring a spouse or significant other or friend.   Jenny Turney will be sending an email for RSVPs and other details
  • Mickie Powers reported that the oak tree the Club planted by our book library at Sunset Elementary has been decimated by someone or something such as a deer
  • Terra Clear Holiday Cards are still available from our newest member, Dawn Lewis---who will be inducted into the Club next meeting, Dec 11
  • Shirley suggested several articles from the Rotary Magazine--one of a girl who dreamed of being an astronaut, and became one!   The other article, Expresso in a War Zone, written by a worldwide journalist