The District Foundation Gala is January 25 and Registration is open
Rotary International Convention in Calgary Canada is in June 21-25 and early registration ends Dec 15
President Shirley encourages everyone to go to ClubRunner and update any information including any spouse information
Early Act First Knight is Dec 11 at 1:30 at Eden Park Academy
Dec 18 will be the Club’s Christmas social at DK Maria’s. We’ll have the sock exchange and other festive activities. Feel free to bring a spouse or significant other or friend. Jenny Turney will be sending an email for RSVPs and other details
Mickie Powers reported that the oak tree the Club planted by our book library at Sunset Elementary has been decimated by someone or something such as a deer
Terra Clear Holiday Cards are still available from our newest member, Dawn Lewis---who will be inducted into the Club next meeting, Dec 11
Shirley suggested several articles from the Rotary Magazine--one of a girl who dreamed of being an astronaut, and became one! The other article, Expresso in a War Zone, written by a worldwide journalist