Our Arbor Day on Saturday was fabulous!!! We had ten (well over half of our membership!) South Austin Rotarians participate in one form or fashion. Thank you---Jeff Christner, Jose Guerra, Blair Williamson, Allison Batlin, Erica Garza, Tom Rollert (Friday detail), Jim McComb, Steve Ross, Simon Garza…and Our District Gene Holiman joined us and dug some holes too! Jim Hanson with River City Landscaping and two of his crew also provided much help and planning assistance. Five of the Community First! Village residents assisted us as team leaders along with Heidi Sloan, the manager of Genesis Gardens at CF! We dug 48 holes for 48 trees, and wheel-barrowed compost and mulch to all 48 trees. Blair and Jose learned the fine art of pruning fruit trees, and they pruned 48 mature trees. The folks at Mobile Loaves and Fishes Community First! Village are so appreciative of our work. These trees will be sustaining---providing fruit for the residents and many of their animals-goats and chickens. We can’t wait to see them grow!
There is still the irrigation part to complete. We will let you know when that will be scheduled.