Rotarian, Student, Musician, Teacher, Law Student—and an amazing young person!
Chandler is from Houston and always wanted to be a musician.  She sings and writes music.   She recorded her first album at 13 yrs old and had an opportunity to attend the Grammy’s at 17 with her second album. 
She studied  Peru, where she says she had a ‘crisis of faith’ on Machu Pichu—whether to continue with music or go back to school.She enrolled and graduated from USC with a year off as a Fulbright grant recipient living in Spain for a year where she taught English.   She is now a 2nd year law student at UT; her goal is to be a music lawyer. This summer she will be an intern in New York City in the entertainment/tech law arena. She followed her program by singing some songs with her ukelele.  For more on Chandler: