Golfer Information
Player Entry Fee of $125 INCLUDES:
Green fees and golf cart, Range balls, PLAYER GIFT bags and Dinner and Reception afterwards. Click the button below to Register online or to register by mail (complete form and submit payment to Lisa Killough)
ENTRY FEES DUE April 22, 2013
Registration/Check In 11:00 – 12:30 pm
Box Lunch…………………...12:00 pm
Shotgun Tee-Off……….……. .1:30 pm
Dinner and Awards……………6:00 pm
Door Prize Raffle……….……..6:30 pm
Putting Tournament
Closest to the Pin
Longest Drive
Longest Putt
Mulligans available (Mulligan tickets also enter you in door prize raffle)
If you don’t have a team, we’ll pair you with other singles
**Dinner will be served outside on the veranda following the tournament. Tournament winners, silent auction, and raffles will be announced at that time. Non-players are invited to attend the dinner for $20. (Player’s entry fee includes dinner.)**