It all started with a Wish List. Jim McComb noticed that Mainspring Schools had two toy sheds on their Wish List last year. He made a visit to the school and saw the very old, quite small, worn out storage sheds on their playground and said to himself, “This would make a good Rotary project!”.
In October we held two work days to begin the construction offsite. We met at McComb Construction in Creedmoor and with the help of master carpenter Javiar Xangon, we constructed the floors, roofs and walls.
On Nov 5th we held our big work day at the school. The forecast was for severe storms and with potentially heavy rains the evening before our big construction project. We had a system in place….Jim would arrive early around 7:30 and check out the playground to see if it was too muddy to build the two toy sheds that were planned for that day. It did rain, but when I checked my email in the morning there was a “Go to build” message waiting for me.
It was a chilly morning, long sleeves and jackets required, but the sun was up and shining bright. Everything was crisp and clean from the prior evening’s rain. A crew of twelve people arrived one by one with shovels, rakes, step ladders, levels, drills, tool boxes, painting supplies.. and a good amount of energy!
The ground was leveled, concrete blocks placed, walls went up, roofs covered the walls, paint was rolled on, lunch break with Thundercloud subs were eaten and by our 3:00pm deadline we had the two toy sheds built.
Jim reported that he called the school’s director who told him that the kids found the new sheds and immediately put them to use - as playhouses!
Our TEAM with a big thank you to the helpers from the Austin Southwest Club!