Interested In Becoming A Sponsor?
If you have selected to be a Diamond, Platinum, Gold or Silver Sponsor; You will need to Complete the Player Form to register your other players. Submit the form either by email/mail to / Lisa Killough, 2200 Cypress Point East, Austin, TX 78746.
See Sponsorship package details....
Diamond Sponsor $1,500
Hospitality/Dinner Sponsor
Eight Player Entries
Tournament Banner
Two Holes Sponsorship
Special Sponsor Gift
Prominent Listing in Tournament Literature
Rotary Website listing for one year
Platinum Sponsor $1,000
Four Player Entries
Tournament Banner
One Hole Sponsorship
Special Sponsor Gift
Prominent Listing in Tournament Literature
Rotary Website listing for one year
Gold Sponsor $750
Four Player Entries
Tournament Banner
One Hole Sponsorship
Special Sponsor Gift
Listing in Tournament Literature
Silver Sponsor $500
Two Player Entries
One Hole Sponsorship
Listing in Tournament Literature
Bronze Sponsor $250
One Player Entry
Hole Sponsorship
Listing in Tournament Literature
Beverage Sponsor $500 (two avail)
Listing on Beverage cart
Listing in Tournament Literature
Hole Sponsor $150
One Hole Sponsorship
Listing in Tournament Literature