- Armadillo Den Live Music
- Nature Night at Lady Bird Johnson
- Wildflower Center
- ACT Gala
- Pints for Polio Fundraiser
- Creek Show at Waller Creek
- Field of Honor
What celebrity do you admire?
- Michelle Obama
- Martin Luther King
- John Wayne
- Katie Couric
- Taylor Swift
- Morgan Freeman
- Ken Burns
- Fred Astaire
Your idea of the perfect day
- Mountain cabin With a little snow
- A day with Radar and family
- Camping & hiking
- Christmas Eve with family
- Travel in a new city just show up
- On a hot air balloon
- Long day to do more stuff
- Hiking in the mountains in Yemen with old friends
- Curled up with a good book
- Eight hours of sleep, no phone calls all day
- Sitting on a beach in Hawaii reading a book
Best thing about being a kid
- No planning things
- Not doing anything
- Church, she went to growing and up having donuts
- Snowball fight
- Innocence
- Longer days
- Not having to pay bills
- No responsibility
- Your parents are around
- All the fun in being in scouting
- Going to school and learning
- Wonderment
- No responsibilities
What will you be doing in five years?
- Retired
- Hope you're still alive
- Back to school
- Still working
- World cruise
- Be a grandma
- Still coming to rotary meetings
- Less work more play
- Stepping up my exercise program
- Hope to be still alive
- Still in Rotary
- The trips we planned we accomplish
- Galapagos islands
In 50 years, what will people be nostalgic for?
- Open space parks
- For her fathers covered wagon
- What is real and not AI
- For a phone book
- Air planes
- Interruptions from technology