A healthy Rotary club is much like a tree:

Grown in soil of service, its roots are

made up of respect for all,

The trunk of the tree is communication, the

life line for a healthy club

The limbs of the tree sweep from the earth

to the heavens above, with buds of trust

and truth.

Finally, the tree's green leaves indicating

a healthy thriving club.

Yes, we may lose a few leaves as time

progresses, dropping as their colors change

with age,

Yet, new ones will take its place and

becoming a permanent part of the tree and

its system of growth.

As seasons come and go, we see a constant

change in our tree...

its shape and its growth,

still the basic aspects of our tree remain

firmly planted for generations to come. . . .

service, respect, communication, with trust

and truth bind us as one

You are our newest Ieaf... may you bud,

bloom and grow, creating an orchard of

service above self.

