Doug shared the story of how Rotary go the idea of the Magic of Rotary message. Urchick,our Rotary President a member of the Rotary Club of McMurray, Pennsylvania, USA, said she saw the magic of Rotary on display when she was helping install water filters in the Dominican Republic.
Two boys were watching as dirty water entered the filter, then ran out clean at the other end. One of the boys grabbed my sleeve and said, ‘Show me the magic again,’” she said. “Obviously, the water filter wasn’t magic. We worked hard to transport those filters, install them, and work with community leaders in the area to maintain them. But those boys knew that easy access to clean water would change their lives.
 The Magic of Rotary emphasizes the idea that by working together, Rotarians can perform "magic" in their communities, bringing hope and joy to those in need.
Doug let us know the Magic of Rotary is in all us!!!
The Rotary District Assistance Program (DAP) is a grant program that funds small-scale, short-term projects and activities in communities and abroad:
  • Humanitarian projects: Disaster recovery efforts and service travel
  • Scholarships: For any level, location, area of study, or length of time
  • Youth programs: Interact, Rotaract, Rotary Youth Exchange, and Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA)
What does it mean to be a Rotarian
Rotary is a global network of more than 1.4 million neighbors, friends, leaders, and problem-solvers who see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change – across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves.
Membership is important for all clubs
  • The goal is all clubs to be Net one in membership
  • And South Austin is Net one in membership !!!