The Club Members of South Austin Rotary came together to celebrate an amazing year of service and as we do each year pass the torch of leadership to a new Board of Directors. For anyone who has ever wondered...."what does your club do?" here is a list of just the past 12 months:
Projects & Activities
Served Breakfast at the RYLA In The Rough camp
Hosted a #RotaryYouthExchange Student
Hosted the Mandela Washington Fellows
Planted 48 TREES at Community First Village
Supported the EAFK at DawsonElementary
Raised funds for Hurricane Relief in Rockport
Hosted a Literacy Night at GalindoElementary
Christmas Gift's for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Texas
Built a new interactive playground at Todos Juntos Learning Center
#Handbags4Hope bag collection
Judged the Science Fair at Galindo Elementary Library
Assisted Bowie Interact at the Central Texas Food Bank
Awarded 4 Scholarships to Students from Akins High School AISD
Served Breakfast at the RYLA In The Rough camp
Hosted a #RotaryYouthExchange Student
Hosted the Mandela Washington Fellows
Planted 48 TREES at Community First Village
Supported the EAFK at DawsonElementary
Raised funds for Hurricane Relief in Rockport
Hosted a Literacy Night at GalindoElementary
Christmas Gift's for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Texas
Built a new interactive playground at Todos Juntos Learning Center
#Handbags4Hope bag collection
Judged the Science Fair at Galindo Elementary Library
Assisted Bowie Interact at the Central Texas Food Bank
Awarded 4 Scholarships to Students from Akins High School AISD
In addition, we held 4 Socials, had incredible weekly program speakers, participated in over 10 different District Events, held a successful Tamale Fundraiser that helped raise funds for next year's projects and SUPPORTED the Foundation of Rotary International through our individual member contributions. South Austin Rotary Club qualified for the following Foundation Recognitions:
100% EREY
and 100% Paul Harris
This is a huge accomplishment and we were 1 of only 3 clubs in the Rotary District 5870 Central Texas to qualify for ALL 3!
Congratulations on a year well done!